january 26 2024 5
A new study from researchers at
UCL shows that the decline in
smoking prevalence in England
has slowed signif cantly since the
pandemic. Lead author Dr Sarah
Jackson cites as one of the reasons
the increasing misperception re-
garding the risks of vaping compared
with smoking.
“T is important research from
UCL shows that the Government’s
smoke-free ambition is stalling,”
said IBVTA chair Marcus Saxton.
“T e authors also rightly point
to the media attention on vaping
and the subsequent disconnect
between the substantially greater
risks from smoking. 43% of smok-
ers believe that vaping is equally
or more harmful than smoking, an
increase of 60% since 2019. T ese
are truly shocking f gures, ref ect-
ing the never-ending cycle of
negative stories on vaping,
therefore it is of no surprise
that smoking rates remain
stubbornly high.
‘Smoke-free ambition is stalling’:
‘Smoke-free ambition is stalling’:
IBVTA responds to new study
IBVTA responds to new study
Resisting vaping helps nobody’s health – UCL
Consumer body World Vapers’
Alliance (WVA) has vehe-
mently criticised the World
Health Organisation’s (WHO)
demand for a ban on vaping
f avours.
“T e WHO’s latest stance
on vaping f avours is not just
misguided, it’s dangerously
out of touch with scientif c
reality,” Michael Landl, WVA
director, said.
“By pushing for a blanket
ban, the WHO blatantly dis-
regards a wealth of scientif c
evidence that underscores
the benef ts of vaping when
compared to alternatives.
Flavoured e-cigarettes have
been proven to increase the
chances of successful smok-
ing cessation by 230 per cent
compared to non-f avored al-
ternatives. It’s appalling to see
such a pivotal public health
tool being dismissed by an
organisation that should be
at the forefront of harm re-
T e WHO had urged gov-
ernments to treat e-cigarettes
similarly to tobacco and ban
all f avours.
T e WVA highlighted that
vaping is 95% less harmful
than smoking and more ef-
fective in aiding smoking ces-
sation than traditional meth-
ods like gum and patches. T e
organisation emphasised that
restricting or banning ac-
cess to vaping f avours will
not only undermine public
health ef orts, but also lead
to unnecessary loss of lives.
“T e WHO’s proposal is
a blatant neglect of its duty
to protect public health. It’s
a disservice to millions of
smokers and vapers who
have successfully quit smok-
ing through f avoured e-cig-
arettes,” Landl added.
“It’s time for the WHO to
start basing its decisions on
science and real-world evi-
dence rather than perpetu-
ating unfounded fears and
moral panic.”
As the WVA ‘s French
slogan has it, “Flavours help
smokers quit”.
Consumers condemn WHO’s
proposed f avour ban
“T e focus on vaping, particu-
larly single use products that are
important to quit attempts is
driving this misperception. We
welcome proportionate legisla-
tion, but these smoking f gures
show now is not the time to ban
those vaping devices and f avours
that are crucial to getting smokers
to quit tobacco.
“T ere are clear challenges for
the vaping sector but through a
proportionate and evidence-based
approach vaping can remain a
vital smoking cessation tool and
encourage those smokers to make
that switch before it is too late.”
T e study, funded by Cancer
Research UK and published in the
journal BMC Medicine, looked at
survey responses from 101,960
adults between June 2017 and
August 2022.
Before the Covid-19 pandem-
ic, from June 2017 to February
2020, smoking prevalence fell by
5.2 per cent a year, but this rate of
decline slowed to 0.3 per cent
during the pandemic (from April
2020 to August 2022), the study
found. T is stall in the decline of
smoking was particularly pro-
nounced among advantaged
social groups – that is, people in
households whose highest earn-
ers were in professional, manage-
rial or clerical jobs, as opposed to
manual jobs.
Lead author Dr Sarah Jackson
(UCL Institute of Epidemiology &
Health Care) said: “Smoking prev-
alence has been falling for more
than 20 years. Our data show that
this decline has stalled.”
Trading standards seize
Trading standards seize
76,000 illegal vapes in
76,000 illegal vapes in
Tens of thousands of illegal vapes
with a street value of more than £1
million have been seized in Newcas-
tle, amid an “explosion” in sales of
the products linked to organised
crime gangs.
Councillors were left “horrifi ed”
as they were told of the scale of the
city’s vaping problems.
Newcastle Trading Standards
manager David Ellerington told how
his team had seized 3.3 tonnes’
worth since an “explosion” in their
popularity from autumn 2021 –
equating to around 76,000 e-cig-
arettes and refi ll containers, worth
a total £1.1m.
Number of indie vape
Number of indie vape
shops rose signifi cantly
shops rose signifi cantly
in 2023
in 2023
The number of independent vape
shops has jumped again across the
UK in 2023, with 233 shops being
opened, new fi gures have revealed.
The increase is signifi cantly high-
er than the net increase of 61 shops
in 2022, according to the data from
Local Data Company (LDC). In 2021
the sector saw a net decline of 23
The country now has a total of
3,573 specialist vape shops, accord-
ing to the LDC, showing robust growth
in the demand for vapes from physi-
cal stores not including c-stores and
Rumour of proposed new
Rumour of proposed new
tax on vape liquids
tax on vape liquids
The government is believed to be
planning a new tax on vape liquids.
The proposed tax, set to be in-
troduced in the March budget, will
raise the prices by at least 25%, as
well as introduce a “generational”
smoking ban, said a report.
The paper said ministers are “keen
to push ahead with the tax” to prevent
children buying vapes.
Meanwhile, the government still
maintains it wants to encourage
people who smoke cigarettes to
switch to vaping, whilst discourag-
ing non-smokers – particularly
children – from starting vaping.
Vape Business Section1.indd 5
Vape Business Section1.indd 5
1/18/2024 2:53:08 PM
1/18/2024 2:53:08 PM