
AH February 2024

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onsumers are expected

to reprioritize travel in

2024, albeit with demand

fluctuations for various products

and amenities in 2024, according to

Deloitte's 2024 Travel Outlook. The

report says hospitality providers

need to enhance the experiences

they offer or risk losing travelers'

attention and Those adept at

applying technology to create

personalized and flexible services

will do better than others this year.

The pent-up demand seen

following the pandemic that led

to travel surges in the prior two

years is dwindling, the report said.

It’s being replaced, however, by

a steady increase in traveling for

experiences, aided in some cases

by the increased prevalence of remote

working, meaning travel remains a priority

for many consumers.

An economic downturn could dampen

that enthusiasm, according to the Travel

Outlook. However, technology can help

provide the flexibility to offer affordable,

personalized packages that may compensate

for consumers’ responding parsimony.

U.S. travel industry resilience

According to the report, "revenge travel"

fueled demand for two years as Americans

sought escape from lockdowns and made

up for missed trips due to the pandemic.

In 2021, nearly half cited the need for an

escape, and by the 2023 holiday season, only

11 percent were compensating for missed


As Americans move on from revenge

travel, travel intent remains robust, the

report said. The interest in booking hotels

and domestic flights holds steady, with

more planned trips in 2023 compared to

the previous year during both summer and

holidays. While pent-up demand fades, the

desire to travel and the outlook for 2024

remains strong.

One in five individuals increasing their

travel budgets said travel spending has

become more important to them since the

pandemic, signaling a positive outlook for

2024, according to Deloitte. Even those who

stayed home or reduced budgets previously

said they had larger plans for the coming


At the same time, concerns about an

economic downturn continue and that

event could slow consumer interest,

particularly among those in lower-income

households, according to the report. Effects

could include travelers curtailing the

number, distance or length of trips, and

some may also opt for staying

with relatives or friends rather

than paying for lodging.

Technology to the


Technology is affecting travel

trends in several ways, Deloitte

said. For example, the share of

travelers planning to work on

their longest leisure trip has risen

from about 1 in 5 in 2022 to 1 in

3 in 2023. The report found that

47 percent of “laptop luggers”

take more shorter trips and 27

percent took longer trips while

“disconnectors” mostly preferred

fewer, shorter trips or more

shorter trips.

The Deloitte report also

suggested the need by airlines and

hospitality providers to enhance the

experiences they offer travelers can be

aided by advances in marketing technology.

It also is likely to involve continued

investment in back-office technology and

generative artificial intelligence, or Gen AI,

to improve operational efficiency and better

align resources with demand.

Report: Travel demand stays steady,

new tech provides efficiencies

Technology improving efficiency for travel and hospitality providers

Leisure travel intent among U.S. consumers remains consistent across

most travel categories going into 2024, according to Deloitte's 2024

Travel Outlook.

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